STRAIGHT TALK: get to the heart of the issue together & fast

“Decisions are being made in corridors, not together.” The CEO complained. “People talk, but say little. They conceal the truth. Then, after the meeting, rely on the little fiefdoms of social networks. It’s killing performance.”

  • Problems are not surfaced quick enough

  • Information is inadequate and incomplete

  • Decisions are not made quick enough

The inability to talk openly and constructively together kills performance. From our 25 years with clients from the c-suite of global multinationals, to the frontline of the Silicon Valley start-ups, no one is immune. You might know the “issue” but together, struggle to address it. Instead, people avoid, “sugar-coat” and dance around the elephants in the room or end up attacking and there’s a colossal meltdown. The impact? The conversations happen in the hallways and at the water coolers. Performance suffers. Nothings changes. You're stuck on repeat.  It's the same "Groundhog Day-like" dance, day after painful day. The un-discussable issues live on. You’re kept from wrapping your collective heads around the issues that matter most.  In a world of rapid-fire change and ever-growing uncertainty, it’s more important than ever for the group to get to the heart of the issue, fast, and together. This presentation series provides a practical pathway, road-tested with leadership teams, to get started at building the capability to get real about the real issue.

If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.
— Albert Einstein


Understand the Challenge of talking when the stakes are high

Rather than a list of quick fixes - that don’t work - you’ll understand and think about the problem. This presentation not only defines the problem but illustrates the factors that contribute to it.  Leaders leave awakened to see the problem and a shared language to now talk about it.


  1. Illustrate the indicators/symptoms an organization is suffering from a lack of straight talk.

  2. Understand the neuroscience and psychology behind what gets in the way of people talking when the stakes are high and results in behavioural breakdowns.

  3. Explore an assessment of how candid your organization’s culture really is and what price is being paid for the gap.

  4. Learn three steps to create movement toward building the capability to get real about the real issues.

If you decide to book Part 2 of this presentation, your audience will leave with a 21-Day Plan to better understand and diagnose their unique challenge of talking when the stakes are high.

The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.
— Albert Einstein


Moving to mastery and owning your

Our thinking drives our behavior at an unconscious level. Until you learn about how you are wired, nothing can change. This presentation builds on the first. You’ll learn how your existing level of thinking (or mindset) triggers the old habits and behaviours you want to change.


  1. Recognize the 3 behavioural meta-patterns that undermine productive conversations.

  2. Understand how our own mindset (or current level of thinking) can repeatedly contribute to behavioural breakdowns despite our desire to behave differently.

  3. Discover the 4 elements that make up the anatomy of a trigger.

  4. Discover your own habits of mind and emotion underlying unproductive behaviour(s).

You will leave the presentation with a 21-day plan to start owning your triggers and move toward mastery.

This was the best session! I appreciate the real example being used. This took the topic from a concept/philosophy and transformed it instead into practice.
Excellent...very thought provoking, many wonderful ideas and relevant to my situation.
Alex was amazing. A great speaker on a really relevant topic.
Presentation was most valuable from conference! Amazing!
Loved this session! Energetic, creative speaker and loved the content! Wish it was longer!
Very strong presenter and subject matter expert. Nice “style”.
Excellent speaker, content, relatable and provided specific examples to my own client needs. Handout, graphics and discussion all connected and was very value added! Best speaker.
Great above & below the line framework. Enjoyed the video & graphic. I have some ideas of how to initiate some straight talk with the Executive Leadership Team.