LEADERSHIP CHANGE LAB / 1 or 2-day workshop
Capitalizing on the Science of Habit Change to Diagnose and Transform Your Organization
For leaders serious about changing their organization. Many have already tried and failed.
There you are at your leadership off site. Despite committing to changes and improvements last year, nothing really has changed. You don’t believe anyone is against it; they mean what they say. Yet progress is glacial, and tensions run high.
We all know that change is difficult, but we don’t know enough about why it is so difficult and what we can do about it.
The Leadership Change Lab creates the time and space for your leadership team to evaluate your change effort. Guided by leading research, some tough questions, and expert facilitation, your leaders will have the candid conversations needed to get to the heart of the issue.
The Lab guides your leaders to arrive at their own "Keystone Habits" required to support the organization changes they desire to make. It enables leadership to define the leadership habits required to transform the organization. Yet, even then, habit change is no easy feat.
The Lab is informed by research into habit change and neuroscience and offers you new ways of understanding what prevents and what enables change.
A meaningful organizational change is a pre-requite for this practical, hands-on team learning experience.
- Confirm the change you aspire to make, and take stock of what progress has been made
- Understand what causes change efforts to struggle and/or fail to deliver
- Gain insight into the role of leadership in times of change, such that you can define the part leadership needs to play - individually and collectively
- Define the specific behaviors needing to be role modelled to support the change
- Explore leading-edge research into how to make the required behavioral changes stick
- Decide how current plans might be evolved and enriched to drive the desired changes
Contact us to discuss organizing a LEADERSHIP CHANGE LAB >
“The Leadership Change Lab delivered tremendous value to our Executive Team. The consensus was that this experience was unique as it generated deep personal insights. This is an excellent foundation for us to move forward with.”
“Alex has a unique ability to guide senior leaders through complex models of change and human performance in a way that makes them highly relevant to the challenges leaders face.”
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