Join the 30%* who successfully change.
Wray Group enables organizations, teams, and leaders to achieve mission-critical change. We work with clients ready to step up to a bigger game—often in the face of having already tried and failed. With them, we move past familiar change processes to uncover hidden anchors to the status quo. It's hard work to lead change that sticks.
*Professor John Kotter's research is documented in two of his books: “Leading Change," 1996 and "A Sense of Urgency," 2008 (Harvard Business School Press)
Organizations don't change. People do.
Our approach amplifies the influence of the individual leader. Looking within can feel counterintuitive amid organization-wide urgency and chaos. But when a leader can demonstrate courage to change, others soon follow.
Powered by MINDSHIFT.
MINDSHIFT offers a proven path to improvement, growth and ultimately, development. It equips people to stretch, grow and thrive by breaking free of the day-to-day habits that limit performance. It enables people to start living in alignment with where they want to go and who they want to be. Although grounded in academic research, MINDSHIFT is thoroughly field-tested with leaders at all levels of an organization - both individually and in teams.
We change the inner game.
Most efforts to change don’t go deep enough. Ours does. We change the inner game. Professional athletes have known for decades that the inner game drives the outer game. Our MINDSHIFT process helps leaders awaken to this simple truth. To develop vertically we must discover how our inner game is driving us. MINDSHIFT advances and transforms a person’s ability to think in more complex, systemic, strategic and interdependent ways.