“This was by far my favorite session. Worth the trip many times over. Lots of take-aways, lots of practical applications, and inspiring!”
”By far my favorite breakout. Just wrapped a bow around all my thoughts from the conference so far and tied it all together with actionable take-aways.”
”Speaker was fantastic! Wonderful balance between education and practical tools that I can use.”
”Best presenter. Valuable information. Practical application of frameworks discussed and demonstrated via the business case.”
”This was amazingly relevant for me personally and would be in my organization. Best session I’ve been to.”
Presentations that Create a Movement
Whether it’s the top 25 or top 250 leaders in the organization, our keynote presentations deliver powerful insights and start movements.
Our main speaker is Alex Wray. Although he is a seasoned professional speaker and subject matter expert, Alex places the highest value on audience interaction. The learning environment he create is practical, fast-paced and engaging. Alex naturally takes a Socratic approach with audiences: posing insightful questions through the use of interactive polling technology (audience voting system); and dwelling on key concepts to moderate large group discussions and lively debates.
Our depth of experience in behavior change, enables all our speakers to frame their message in stories of relatable, real life personalities. These stories are brought to life with 45-60 second video clips of actual leaders making change stick. These colorful stories of behavior change are often from finance, engineering, production lines and those working with longshoremen: workplaces with little patience, time, or tolerance for the “academic”, “conceptual” or “touchy-feely”.
A critical ingredient for creating movement and change. more >
A practical pathway to sustain the changes that matter most. more >
An introduction to situational leadership. more >